Archive for monopoly

Economic Liberties Event: Anti-Monopoly Summit

Economic Liberties Event: Anti-Monopoly Summit

The News/Media Alliance is happy to be partnering with Economic Liberties on the Anti-Monopoly Summit. This Summit will bring together the growing anti-monopoly movement to build ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Signs Creative Industry Principles on Artificial Intelligence

Statement: News/Media Alliance Signs Creative Industry Principles on Artificial Intelligence

Today, the News/Media Alliance signed on to principles developed by a coalition of creative industry organizations, the Human Artistry CampAIgn, outlining high-level principles that should ... Read More
A Spot of Good Ad Tech News for Publishers

A Spot of Good Ad Tech News for Publishers

It is not a stretch to say that programmatic advertising and the broader suite of ad tech has harmed publishers in multiple ways. But a ... Read More
OPI Event: “Renewing the Democratic Republic”

OPI Event: “Renewing the Democratic Republic”

Join the Open Markets Institute, News/Media Alliance, and other co-hosts for a keynote speech from U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren on how far our antimonopoly movement ... Read More
Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Department of Justice for Filing Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google

Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Department of Justice for Filing Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google

Today the Department of Justice filed its highly anticipated antitrust lawsuit against Google for its dominance in advertising and violation of the Sherman Act. This ... Read More
Video: Highlights from the House Judiciary Hearing on Online Platforms and the Free Press

Video: Highlights from the House Judiciary Hearing on Online Platforms and the Free Press

On June 11, Alliance President and CEO David Chavern testified before the House Judiciary Committee on "Online Platforms and Market Power, Part 1: The Free ... Read More
Watch: Alliance CEO on the Importance of Protecting News Online

Watch: Alliance CEO on the Importance of Protecting News Online

Alliance CEO and President David Chavern testified before the U.S. House of Representatives during a hearing on June 11, 2019, titled, “Online Platforms and Market ... Read More
View from the Hill: Collins and Cicilline Discuss Journalism Safe Harbor Bill at #PostLive

View from the Hill: Collins and Cicilline Discuss Journalism Safe Harbor Bill at #PostLive

On April 4, House Antitrust Chairman David Cicilline (D-RI) and Representative Doug Collins (R-GA), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, were part of a ... Read More
It's Time to Rein in the Tech Platforms' Anticompetitive Behavior

It’s Time to Rein in the Tech Platforms’ Anticompetitive Behavior

We rely on a healthy news media to keep us informed and to ensure transparency from our leaders. But as news has moved online and ... Read More
Open Markets Institute Raises Questions About the Media's Relationship with the Duopoly

Open Markets Institute Raises Questions About the Media’s Relationship with the Duopoly

Last week, the Open Markets Institute hosted a discussion on the fate of journalism in the age of the duopoly. The conversation between anti-trust experts ... Read More