News Take Episode 107: Committing to Product Thinking in the News Industry: Putting Readers First

Guest: Feli Carrique, Executive Director, News Product Alliance

“Anything that you build or create for an audience to solve a user need and support your organizational mission, is a product.”  

– Feli Carrique, News Product Alliance

What is news product and product thinking, and why is it important in journalism? How can newsrooms begin to incorporate product thinking into their content? What are the challenges to adopting a product mindset?

On this episode of News Take, News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with Executive Director of the News Product Alliance, Feli Carrique, about news product and the increasingly popular practice of product thinking in journalism and news publishing. In this informative discussion, Feli explains what news product and product thinking is, as well as how having a product mindset and putting the reader first can help improve content engagement and performance. She also shares some of the biggest challenges to adopting product thinking, as well as some of the things that excite her the most about the use of product thinking and where it has the potential to make the biggest impact.

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Speaker bio

Feli Carrique is the Executive Director of the News Product Alliance, a community for people who strategically align business, audience and technology goals while integrating journalism ethics. Feli is an Argentinian journalist and product thinker working at the intersection of media, technology, and sustainability. In her previous role as Innovation Director at SembraMedia, she worked with news organizations across Latin America, Spain, and the United States to promote innovation and led product design and systems development for the organization. She was also the lead analyst on the recent “Inflection Point International” report published by SembraMedia, which analyzed the innovations, challenges, and threats facing news entrepreneurs across Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.  Feli is also a Professor at the Catholic University of Argentina, where she co-created the first news product class in Latin America.


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Watch the next episode: Print, Logistics and Delivery in a Transitional Age 

Watch the previous episode: Tapping Into the Potential of Blockchain for News Publishers

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