Archive for Fake News

News Take Episode 201: News Nutrition Labels: How NewsGuard is Helping Fight Misinformation Online

News Take Episode 201: News Nutrition Labels: How NewsGuard is Helping Fight Misinformation Online

In the Season 2 premiere of News Take, Alliance VP, Research & Insights, Rebecca Frank sits down with Gordon Crovitz, co-founder and co-CEO of NewsGuard, ... Read More
Facebook Advertisers - Let's Talk

Facebook Advertisers – Let’s Talk

Our high-quality journalism offers brand safe environments for advertising. Yet news publishers are facing greater challenges than ever due to decreasing advertising revenue resulting from ... Read More
Ad: Dear Facebook Advertisers - Let's Talk

Ad: Dear Facebook Advertisers – Let’s Talk

As advertisers boycott Facebook due to concerns about their ads appearing next to questionable content, let them know that your news publication provides quality content ... Read More
Teaching Kids About Media Literacy

Teaching Kids About Media Literacy

Providing the right tools for young news consumers will help them learn how to spot fake news; how to tell the difference between ads, blogs ... Read More
News Literacy Project's Newsroom to Classroom Not Just for Middle Schoolers

News Literacy Project’s Newsroom to Classroom Not Just for Middle Schoolers

I had a writing class that turned into a heated discussion about how we categorized “fake news.” No matter how many articles we read — ... Read More
Want to Stop Fake News? Pay for the Real Thing

Want to Stop Fake News? Pay for the Real Thing

Facebook and Google have been brutal to the news business. But this primarily reflects a failure of imagination. The tech giants are the world’s best ... Read More
Quiz: Can You Pick Out 2018's Top Fake News Stories?

Quiz: Can You Pick Out 2018’s Top Fake News Stories?

2018 was a year of serious fact-checks and cries of fake news. Did you survive with all your facts intact? Take our quiz to see ... Read More
The Year In Review: Our Top Posts of 2018

The Year In Review: Our Top Posts of 2018

As we head into the new year, we wanted to look back at some of the interesting things we learned in 2018. Over the course ... Read More
Quiz: Do You Know Which Election Headlines Are Real?

Quiz: Do You Know Which Election Headlines Are Real?

As midterm elections approach in the U.S., fake news producers have been sharing more and more stories that paint one side or the other as ... Read More
Rising Star Steph Solis, Asbury Park Press

Rising Star Steph Solis, Asbury Park Press

Steph Solis knew she wanted to be a journalist since she was little. “I was one of those obnoxious kids who has known since sixth ... Read More