Archive for UPEPA

New Jersey Becomes 33rd State to Enact an Anti-SLAPP Law

New Jersey Becomes 33rd State to Enact an Anti-SLAPP Law

On September 7th, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed into law S.2802/A.4393, to provide anti-SLAPP protections against lawsuits known as SLAPPs (short for strategic lawsuits ... Read More
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Alliance Advocates For Protective Interpretation of Anti-SLAPP Laws

On August 29, the Alliance joined the Reporters Committee’s amicus brief supporting the proper interpretation of Washington’s new anti-SLAPP law which was based off the ... Read More
Alliance Supports Robust, Uniform Anti-SLAPP Law

Alliance Supports Robust, Uniform Anti-SLAPP Law

On June 23, the Alliance joined a coalition letter supporting the Uniform Public Expression Protection Act (UPEPA)—the Uniform Law Commission’s model anti-SLAPP law ... Read More
Alliance Applauds Kentucky Passing Strong Anti-SLAPP Law

Alliance Applauds Kentucky Passing Strong Anti-SLAPP Law

On April 20, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear signed the recently passed HB 222 into law. HB 222 is an anti-SLAPP law based on the Uniform ... Read More
With State Anti-SLAPP Laws in Chaos, New Uniform Legislation Would Offer Consistent Protection for Publishers of Free Speech

With State Anti-SLAPP Laws in Chaos, New Uniform Legislation Would Offer Consistent Protection for Publishers of Free Speech

Some seeking to punish accountability journalism and free speech will bring costly and frivolous "SLAPP" suits against publishers. State anti-SLAPP laws exist to help defendants ... Read More
Alliance Sends Letter Supporting Anti-SLAPP Legislation

Alliance Sends Letter Supporting Anti-SLAPP Legislation

On February 16, the News Media Alliance sent a letter to Missouri Rep. Perkins about his recent introduction of HB 2624—the Uniform Public Expression Protection ... Read More