Archive for free press

Statement: Alliance Commemorates Maryland Freedom of the Press Day

Statement: Alliance Commemorates Maryland Freedom of the Press Day

One year ago, on June 28, 2018, the lives of five newsroom employees from The Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, were senselessly taken by gun ... Read More
CEO Column: Press Access Is Essential to Democracy

CEO Column: Press Access Is Essential to Democracy

With the release of our newest ad last week, we — along with our Support Real News partners — are responding to recent attacks on the ... Read More
Washington Post Super Bowl Ad Highlights Value of Journalism

Washington Post Super Bowl Ad Highlights Value of Journalism

Journalists report the facts, giving their readers and viewers the details they need to make informed decisions about their lives and the world around them ... Read More
Student Press Law Center Fights for Student Journalists' 1A Rights

Student Press Law Center Fights for Student Journalists’ 1A Rights

While student journalists may not be facing the exact same threats as their adult counterparts, there are serious threats to the student press, and the ... Read More
Infographic: The History of Press Freedom in America

Infographic: The History of Press Freedom in America

As part of Free Speech Week, we're looking back at some of the biggest moments in the history of our First Amendment right to a ... Read More
Online Platforms Challenge Free Speech Through Editorial Decisions

Online Platforms Challenge Free Speech Through Editorial Decisions

At a time when the First Amendment is being tested and questioned – perhaps more than ever before – it is important that we reflect ... Read More
Free Speech Week 2018: Facts Are the Language of America

Free Speech Week 2018: Facts Are the Language of America

Journalists are out there every day on the front lines to uncover the facts and understandings that will allow us to find our way back ... Read More
Newspapers Must Stand in Solidarity Against Trump's Attacks on Press

Newspapers Must Stand in Solidarity Against Trump’s Attacks on Press

Today, newspapers fought back against President Trump's attacks on the media in the the best way they know how: they took to the presses. In ... Read More
Alliance Statement on Turkish Sentencing of Reporter

Alliance Statement on Turkish Sentencing of Reporter

The News Media Alliance condemns Ayla Albayrak's sentence and supports the Wall Street Journal in the appeal ... Read More
Another Reporter Sentenced to Jail: Importance of a Free Press

Another Reporter Sentenced to Jail: Importance of a Free Press

For Free Speech Week, I was going to write about the political climate in the US, but there is an even more egregious attack on ... Read More