Archive for Document Archive-D

CEO Statement: Murdoch Proposes Carrier Fees

CEO Statement: Murdoch Proposes Carrier Fees

“Mr. Murdoch is a champion of journalism — and a staunch advocate for the news industry. We need a digital ecosystem that provides a viable ... Read More
CEO Statement: Facebook to Prioritize Trusted News Sources

CEO Statement: Facebook to Prioritize Trusted News Sources

The direction of Facebook’s announcement today is very positive and we commend them for it ... Read More
Statement: Facebook Testing Subscriptions in Instant Articles

Statement: Facebook Testing Subscriptions in Instant Articles

The future of quality journalism requires that we find new and better ways to provide economic returns to news publishers. We view Facebook's announcement today ... Read More
Statement from CEO: Google Subscription Support Update

Statement from CEO: Google Subscription Support Update

This morning, Google announced an update to First Click Free and other initiatives to help support digital subscriptions for publishers. Some notable changes include replacing ... Read More
News Media Alliance Calls for Legislation to Address Digital Duopoly Impact

News Media Alliance Calls for Legislation to Address Digital Duopoly Impact

Today, the News Media Alliance – representing almost 2,000 news organizations – called on Congress to allow publishers to negotiate collectively with dominant online platforms ... Read More
Statement: EU Action on Google

Statement: EU Action on Google

This decision by the EU clearly points to the need for US regulators to take more seriously the challenges posed by Google and other tech ... Read More
Statement: Google’s Announcement of an Ad Blocking Feature within Chrome

Statement: Google’s Announcement of an Ad Blocking Feature within Chrome

While we appreciate the energy and resources that Google has brought, as a partner of the Coalition for Better Ads (launched last September), to the ... Read More