Government Archives - News/Media Alliance Fri, 19 Jan 2024 01:12:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of PRESS Act in House Fri, 19 Jan 2024 01:12:30 +0000 The News/Media Alliance applauds the House of Representatives for unanimously passing H.R.4250—the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act (PRESS Act). The PRESS Act would establish reasonable ground rules for when the government can obtain confidential source information from journalists and their third-party service providers obtained throughout the newsgathering process.

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The News/Media Alliance applauds the House of Representatives for unanimously passing H.R.4250—the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act (PRESS Act). The PRESS Act would establish reasonable ground rules for when the government can obtain confidential source information from journalists and their third-party service providers obtained throughout the newsgathering process.

Alliance President and CEO Danielle Coffey stated, “The PRESS Act provides a vital safeguard for the important work of the free press in reporting on matters important to our communities, without fear of government interference or intimidation. The Alliance thanks Representatives Kevin Kiley and Jamie Raskin for their leadership on this bill in the House and we look forward to supporting this important bi-partisan bill advancing in the Senate.”


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Alliance Joins Brief Challenging Virginia Governor’s Office Reliance on “Working Papers” Exemption to Withhold Records Wed, 30 Aug 2023 14:22:55 +0000 On August 7th, the Alliance joined a brief in Sawyer v. Virginia, filed in the Virginia Court of Appeals. The case concerns a series of public records requests by nonprofit watchdog American Oversight (“AO”), submitted to the Virginia Office of the Governor.

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On August 7th, the Alliance joined a brief in Sawyer v. Virginia, filed in the Virginia Court of Appeals. The case concerns a series of public records requests by nonprofit watchdog American Oversight (“AO”), submitted to the Virginia Office of the Governor, seeking information about a “Tip Line” set up by the Youngkin administration to end the use of what it termed “inherently divisive concepts” in state education. The requests were made under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Va. Code Ann. § 3700, et seq. (“VFOIA”), which creates a broad presumption in favor of unimpeded public access to government records. The Governor’s office withheld several hundred pages of records claiming they were exempt from disclosure under the VFOIA’s “working papers exemption”. AO narrowed the scope of its requests to ensure they do not fall within the scope of that exemption, but the Governor’s office continued to withhold the records. AO filed suit in Arlington County Circuit Court and the court ruled in AO’s favor, ordering the Governor’s office to disclose responsive records. The Governor’s office is appealing that decision, arguing an overly broad interpretation of the exemption that would result in essentially any record or communication merely passing through the office to be exempt from disclosure. The brief, filed by RCFP, urges the Court of Appeals to uphold the Circuit Court’s ruling and argues that the Governor’s interpretation would fly in the face of the intent of the VFOIA. Public access to government records is not only vital to the work of journalists but is also essential to democracy in allowing oversight of the actions of government agencies. Read more.

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Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds House Judiciary for Unanimous Vote in Favor of the PRESS Act Wed, 19 Jul 2023 17:04:51 +0000 The News/Media Alliance applauds the House Judiciary Committee for unanimously voting, 23-0, in favor of H.R. 4250, the bipartisan ‘Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act’ (“PRESS Act”).

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The News/Media Alliance applauds the House Judiciary Committee for unanimously voting, 23-0, in favor of H.R. 4250, the bipartisan ‘Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act’ (“PRESS Act”). The PRESS Act would establish reasonable ground rules for when the government can obtain confidential source information from the media and their third-party service providers. The bill was reintroduced this Congress, by Representatives Kevin Kiley (R-CA-3) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD-8), after unanimously passing the House last Congress. The bill provides much-needed safeguards to protect the important investigative work of the free press on matters critical to preserving our democracy. The Alliance looks forward to the bill advancing in both the House and Senate and will continue to support legislative efforts that protect journalists throughout the newsgathering process.


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United States v. Hansen Fri, 23 Jun 2023 21:20:32 +0000 The Supreme Court removes protections on speech “encouraging” illegal immigration. The ruling upholds a statute that allows for the criminal prosecution of speech considered as “encouraging” or “inducing” illegal immigration. Decided on June 23, 2023

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Decided: June 23, 2023
Citation: United States v. Hansen, 599 U. S. ___ (2023)
Appeal from: Ninth Circuit
Case document: U.S. v. Hansen

Facts of the case
Over four years, Helaman Hansen ran a phony “adult adoption” program giving undocumented immigrants the false impression that he could help them become United States citizens. In a 2017 trial in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, the jury convicted him of fraud and encouraging illegal immigration, violating 8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv). Hansen argued to the Ninth Circuit that the statute was too broad and violated his First Amendment rights, and the Court of Appeals ruled in his favor. After the court denied a rehearing, the government petitioned to the Supreme Court.

Question for the Court
This case asks the court to determine whether a statute criminalizing “encouraging” or “inducing” an undocumented immigrant to unlawfully reside in the United States (8 U.S.C. § 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv)) is unconstitutionally overbroad and violates the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech.

In a 7-2 opinion, authored by Justice Barrett, the Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration and upheld Hansen’s conviction, ruling that the statute does not unconstitutionally infringe upon free speech rights. Justice Jackson filed a dissenting opinion, in which Justice Sotomayor joined.

Free press implications
The Court acknowledged that if read literally, the statute would raise concerns for free speech. Thus, they ruled that the statute extends “no further than the purposeful solicitation and facilitation of specific acts known to violate federal law.” However, the ruling leaves journalists with some uncertainty as to what they can say when reporting on the issue of illegal immigration, and the mere prospect of arrest or prosecution could chill free speech. As Jackson and Sotomayor pointed out in their dissent, the court’s ruling “leaves many things about future potential prosecutions up in the air.” The government has already read the statute broadly in the past to defend the surveillance of journalists reporting on immigration, including a secret database of activists and reporters discovered in 2019.

For further reading, please visit

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Statement: Bipartisan Federal Shield Bill, the Protect Reporters from Excessive State Suppression (PRESS) Act Reintroduced in House and Senate Wed, 21 Jun 2023 21:21:23 +0000 The Protect Reporters from Excessive State Suppression (PRESS) Act was reintroduced in both the House and Senate on a bipartisan basis. The News/Media Alliance applauds Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mike Lee (R-UT) and Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Representatives Kevin Kiley (R-CA-3) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD-8), for introducing this important bill, which establishes reasonable ground rules for when the government can obtain confidential source information from the media.

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Today, the Protect Reporters from Excessive State Suppression (PRESS) Act, was reintroduced in both the House and Senate on a bipartisan basis. The News/Media Alliance applauds Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR), Mike Lee (R-UT) and Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Representatives Kevin Kiley (R-CA-3) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD-8), for introducing this important bill, which establishes reasonable ground rules for when the government can obtain confidential source information from the media and their third-party service providers.

The PRESS Act, which unanimously passed the House last Congress, ensures that journalists can perform their work without fear of government overreach by prohibiting government officials from exposing confidential sources or subpoenaing for protected information. The bill allows the free press to continue their important investigative work to shed light on public matters critical to preserving our democracy, while still enabling enforcement officials to obtain the information they need to investigate and prosecute crimes to keep the nation secure.

Danielle Coffey, News/Media Alliance President & CEO, stated, “The News/Media Alliance proudly supports the PRESS Act and commends Senators Wyden, Durbin and Lee, and Representatives Raskin and Kiley for their leadership and commitment to protecting a free and independent press. The PRESS Act will ensure that journalists can maintain editorial independence and protect confidential sources which are a vital part of producing quality news. We encourage Congress to swiftly pass this important bi-partisan legislation.”


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Site Approved for Fallen Journalists Memorial Mon, 15 May 2023 18:59:05 +0000 In 2020, Congress approved the Fallen Journalists Memorial Act, and the bill was signed into law, allowing plans to go ahead to create a memorial dedicated to all journalists who have died while reporting the news and in recognition of the vital role that the free press plays in our democracy.

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In 2020, Congress passed the Fallen Journalists Memorial Act, allowing for a memorial dedicated to journalists who have died while reporting the news and in recognition of the vital role that the free press plays in our democracy. Now, according to The Washington Post, the future memorial has found a home, with the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts last week approving a location in Washington, DC.

The future memorial, which will be funded through private donations, is expected to be completed in 2028. It will be housed between the National Museum of the American Indian and the Voice of America building on the National Mall with a direct view of the Capitol, which was “chosen to evoke journalists’ role as government watchdogs.”

Throughout our nation’s history, hundreds of U.S. journalists have lost their lives while doing their jobs so that the American public could stay informed on important matters affecting our country. The Fallen Journalists Memorial will serve as much-deserved recognition and acknowledgement of their sacrifice.   Read more.

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Alliance Joins Brief Arguing for Disclosure of Documents Held by Third Party Fri, 24 Mar 2023 15:00:12 +0000 On March 23, the Alliance joined a brief, filed in the North Carolina Court of Appeals, arguing that the North Carolina Public Records Act requires a government agency to disclose records that are in the possession of a third-party contractor, but that are still within the agency’s control.

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Update: On September 12, 2023, the North Carolina Court of Appeals issued an opinion awarding summary judgement and attorney fees to WBTV. The Court reiterated that the North Carolina Public Records Act must be “liberally construed to ensure that governmental records be open and made available to the public” and that the Act applies even if the agency only has constructive control of records.

On March 23, the Alliance joined a brief, filed in the North Carolina Court of Appeals, arguing that the North Carolina Public Records Act requires a government agency to disclose records that are in the possession of a third-party contractor, but that are still within the agency’s control. In Gray Media Group (WBTV) v. City of Charlotte, the City of Charlotte (“City”) denied WBTV’s request for documents related to a contract with consulting firm Ernst & Young (“EY”), arguing that the records were in EY’s possession and not in the City’s custody, control, or possession as defined by the Act. WBTV sued and the City subsequently issued a subpoena duces tecum to EY, which produced the records. The lower court awarded summary judgement to the City, finding that WBTV’s motion for injunctive and declaratory relief was moot. The brief, filed by RCFP, argues that the Act requires that an agency disclose documents that are within their constructive control, even if they are in the actual possession of a third party. This case is important in protecting the ability of journalists to rely on the Act as a powerful tool for government oversight and accountability. Read more.

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Alliance Joins Coalition Comments on FCC’s Drone Rulemaking Thu, 16 Mar 2023 14:44:40 +0000 The Alliance is part of the News Media Coalition, which submitted comments on March 9, regarding the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) proposal to allow unmanned aircraft systems (UAS or drones) to conduct licensed operations in the 5030-5091 MHz spectrum band. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking did not raise significant concerns; therefore, comments emphasize issues consistent […]

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The Alliance is part of the News Media Coalition, which submitted comments on March 9, regarding the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) proposal to allow unmanned aircraft systems (UAS or drones) to conduct licensed operations in the 5030-5091 MHz spectrum band. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking did not raise significant concerns; therefore, comments emphasize issues consistent with those we raised last year:

  • Newsgatherers are unique end-users and have worked with the government toward sensible drone regulation and policy that is consistent with First Amendment principles.
  • The FCC rulemaking should provide maximum flexibility to accommodate breaking-news coverage.
    The privacy of journalism drone operators’ PII must be preserved.
  • To preserve independence in news reporting on government and others, any rulemaking should permit the FCC to share news drone operational information only where necessary to protect safety.
  • Compliance with any rulemaking should not impose significant costs on journalists because, unlike other end users, news organizations cannot pass those costs on to consumers.

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Alliance Joins Brief Arguing a Commercial Filming Permit on Federal Land is Unconstitutional Fri, 17 Feb 2023 16:38:28 +0000 On February 16, the Alliance joined a brief, filed in the Supreme Court of the United States challenging the constitutionality under the First Amendment of a national park’s permit-and-fee requirements for commercial filmmakers.

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On February 16, the Alliance joined a brief, filed in the Supreme Court of the United States challenging the constitutionality under the First Amendment of a national park’s permit-and-fee requirements for commercial filmmakers. In Price v. Garland, an independent filmmaker filmed in a national park without obtaining a filming permit. The government charged him with a misdemeanor, but later dismissed the charge. The filmmaker sued, arguing that the permit requirements are unconstitutional under the First Amendment. The District Court agreed, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit reversed, holding that filmmaking is “merely a non communicative step in the production of speech”. The brief, filed by NPPA, argues that the Circuit Court improperly separated the act of filming from the definition of speech in determining that the act of filming is not protected speech. The Alliance supports protecting the creation of speech, by journalists, filmmakers and photographers alike, at every step of the process under the First Amendment.

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Statement: House Passes PRESS Act Mon, 19 Sep 2022 22:43:13 +0000 The News/Media Alliance applauds the House of Representatives for suspending the rules and passing H.R. 4330—the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act (PRESS Act).

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The News/Media Alliance applauds the House of Representatives for suspending the rules and passing H.R. 4330—the Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act (PRESS Act). The PRESS Act establishes reasonable ground rules for when the government can obtain confidential source information from journalists or their third-party service providers.

Alliance President and CEO David Chavern stated, “A free and independent press is vital to democracy, and the PRESS Act ensures that journalists maintain editorial independence by protecting their confidential source information. Without these protections, journalists are at risk of government intimidation, losing sources and being unable to produce quality news. The Alliance is proud to support these bi-partisan protections, and we encourage the Senate to follow swiftly so it can be enacted into law.”


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