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This Q&A provides additional background information and answers to common questions about the News/Media Alliance 2023 Market Report: News and Magazine Media: Providing a Trusted, Brand Safe Source for Reaching Engaged & Influential Audiences.
Q: What is the Market Report and what does it contain?
A: The 2023 Market Report from the News/Media Alliance is a comprehensive research report that provides revealing facts and insights that help inform publishers and advertisers about the value of our members’ products.
The 2023 Report features newly published data about news and magazine media, including audience size and demographics, reader consumption behavior, shopping trends, and more. The report grew out of previous work done by the News/Media Alliance, specifically the News Advertising Panorama and Magazine Media Factbook (member login required).
Q: Who is the audience(s) for the Market Report?
A: The audience for the Market Report includes those working in or with the news and magazine industry, including in advertising, marketing, editorial, audience engagement, and other aspects of providing engaging content to readers. There are hundreds of useful data points in the Market Report to help you gain additional insight into who, what, when, where and why readers engage with news and magazine media, including ads.
Q: Why did you combine the separate news and magazine reports?
A: We know that all publishers – news and magazine outlets, print and digital – face similar challenges and can help one another to position themselves for success. As our organizations merged in 2022, we represent a unified industry working toward shared goals, and so moving forward, we will release the data in a combined Market Report.
However, the report still breaks out separately data that is specific to news or magazines.
Q: What are the main highlights of the Market Report?
A: We see the most important findings that members and advertisers alike can draw from the report as laddering to four larger categories:
1. Audience Size: News and magazine media reach hundreds of millions of Americans.
- Print and digital newspapers reach nearly half of all US adults (116 million, or 44 percent).
- Forty-five percent of adult men and 43 percent of adult women engage with news media each week.
- Magazines reached 223.6 million Americans in 2023 (print + digital).
- Eighty-seven percent of U.S. adults have read a magazine in the last six months.
2. Audience readership composition + demographic info: News and magazine media reach a wide group of valuable consumers.
- The news media audience is well-educated and higher income, with a median household income that is $8,000 higher than the national average.
- News audiences who access news via web, apps, and mobile are younger (half are under age 44) and even higher earning.
- Magazines reach an engaged audience of young and diverse consumers.
- Eighty-seven percent of white adults, 88 percent of Hispanic adults, 89 percent of Black adults, 91 percent of LGBT adults and 92 percent of Asian-American adults read magazines in the past six months.
- Eighty-nine percent of Americans under age 35 and 90 percent under age 25 also read magazines in the past six months.
3. Opportunities for advertisers: News and magazine media reach people looking to make big ticket purchases and who take action on information they get from news and magazines.
- News media reach not only high-value consumers, but those who make high-end purchases.
- News media reach 58 percent of households that own or lease a hybrid or electric car, 58 percent of households that own stocks, and 51 percent of shoppers who spent $2,500 or more on internet purchases in the past year.
- Nearly eight in 10 magazine readers who see an ad in their magazine take an action as a result.
- One in four readers looked for more information about the product/service, and one in five visited the advertiser’s website.
4. Trust: News and magazine publishers earn readers’ trust and they share our products with their friends and families.
- Traditional media sources are more trusted than owned and social media.
- Magazine readers are trusted by their communities and influence others’ purchases and make recommendations.
- Readers prefer magazines to internet, TV and radio on the topics of healthcare, automotive, vacation, finance, and food.
Q: What else can I expect in the Market Report?
A: Other data in the Market Report include: Information about audience size and growth, reader demographics, purchase and spending behaviors, voting behavior, perceptions of news and magazine products, reader trust in news and magazine media, including ads; opinions about advertising fit with news and magazine content; and actions taken after seeing ads in news and magazine media.
Q: Where did the data come from?
A: Data and statistics in the 2023 Report came from some of the most trusted research companies in the field, including Nielsen Scarborough, MRI-Simmons/GfK, and Edelman.
Q: How can people use the Market Report?
A: Our vision for the Market Report and its predecessors has always been to inform any and all activities that publishers are using to help sustain their businesses. Examples include developing presentations and Media Kits for advertisers, developing new local outreach strategies, and refining advertising client targets based on these data points.
Q: Can I use content straight from the Market Report in my own presentations, and do I have to get permission first?
A: Yes! Members can use full slides or certain charts and graphs from the Market Report within presentations and in internal and external communications. We just ask that you attribute the information to “News/Media Alliance, 2023 Market Report, November 2023.” You do not have to get formal permission first.
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Members of the News/Media Alliance staff have contributed to this post.