Statement: EU Action on Google

This decision by the EU clearly points to the need for U.S. regulators to take more seriously the challenges posed by Google and other tech giants.  Some may object to the EU moving so aggressively against U.S.-based companies, but these authorities are at least trying to deal with some of the new competitive challenges facing our economy.  U.S. lawmakers and regulatory authorities, by contrast, have been “asleep at the switch” for far too long.

The fact is that Google dominates the digital advertising ecosystem—as it owns tech products on the buy and sell side of every digital ad transaction.  This end-to-end dominance is fueled by consumer data that is collected along the way.  This dominant role allows Google to set the business terms and continually expand their ongoing dominance and market power.
We need to begin to address such issues here, or be continually faced with other countries addressing them for us.

View letter News Media Alliance co-signed and sent to EU Commissioner of Competition, Margrethe Vestager, on this matter.