content Archives - News/Media Alliance Thu, 07 Dec 2023 16:01:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News/Media Alliance Commends G7’s Hiroshima AI Process, Calls for Strong Copyright Protections Thu, 26 Oct 2023 17:04:19 +0000 On October 16, News/Media Alliance sent a letter together with Digital Content Next and the European Publishers Council to the G7 member states and the European Union regarding the Group's efforts to develop global AI principles and a voluntary code of conduct under the so-called Hiroshima AI Process.

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On October 19, the News/Media Alliance sent a letter together with Digital Content Next and the European Publishers Council to the G7 member states and the European Union regarding the Group’s efforts to develop global AI principles and a voluntary code of conduct under the so-called Hiroshima AI Process. The letter expressed support for the process and encouraged the member states to include strong transparency obligations and copyright protections in the G7 framework. The letter was accompanied by the Global AI Principles signed by the Alliance and over two dozen other content and media organizations in September, covering issues related to intellectual property, transparency, accountability, quality and integrity, fairness, safety, design, and sustainable development. The G7 are expected to finalize the framework in the coming weeks. The European Commission recently published a draft version of the principles, including a reference to copyrights and transparency measures.

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News/Media Alliance Rebuts Arguments That Canada’s Online News Act Violates Treaty Obligations Mon, 17 Jul 2023 13:45:03 +0000 Following Canada’s adoption of Bill C-18, the Online News Act in June, the News/Media Alliance submitted a briefing to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) in late June rebutting arguments that the law violates Canada’s international treaty obligations.

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Following Canada’s adoption of Bill C-18, the Online News Act in June, the News/Media Alliance submitted a briefing to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) in late June rebutting arguments that the law violates Canada’s international treaty obligations. The Online News Act closely resembles Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code, adopted in 2021, with both giving news publishers the right to negotiate – collectively if desired – with the dominant online platforms for fair compensation for the use of their content. Throughout the legislative process, some big tech interest groups made arguments that the bill would violate Canada’s non-discrimination commitments under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which prohibit the signatories from discriminating against businesses or investors from the other treaty partners.

The briefing discusses why these provisions are not applicable to the Online News Act in the first place and how, even if they were applicable, the bill would not be in violation of the relevant prohibitions. It also emphasizes the vital public welfare rationale behind the Act – and others, including the News Media Bargaining Code and the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act in the United States – and how this aligns with the Biden Administration’s all-of-government competition initiative. The briefing calls for the USTR to restrain from expressing reservations on the Act, noting that doing so would undermine similar efforts in the United States. Read the full briefing here.

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Statement: News/Media Alliance Applauds Passage of the Canadian Journalism Compensation Bill into Law Thu, 22 Jun 2023 19:12:51 +0000 The News/Media Alliance commends the Canadian government for passing the Online News Act (C-18). The Online News Act would help Canada’s free press prevail by requiring dominant online platforms to provide fair compensation to news publishers for the use of their content.

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The News/Media Alliance commends the Canadian government for passing the Online News Act (C-18) today. The Online News Act would help Canada’s free press prevail by requiring dominant online platforms to provide fair compensation to news publishers for the use of their content. The bill follows international efforts to create a more balanced digital ecosystem that rewards original journalism and protects communities’ access to high-quality local news, and builds momentum for the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA – AB 886) and the federal Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) (S.1094)

The Online News Act follows the Australian approach and establishes an arbitration mechanism.

“We are pleased to see Canada stand up to Big Tech and recognize that a free functioning democracy depends on independent and trustworthy news publishers, said Alliance President and CEO, Danielle Coffey. We hope to see this trend continue in the United States and abroad.”

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News Take Episode 109: The State of Advertising and Local News Tue, 13 Sep 2022 13:00:44 +0000 On this episode of News Take, Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with Gordon Borrell, founder of Borrell Associates about the state of advertising and local news.

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Guest: Gordon Borrell, Borrell Associates

“If we don’t understand that the people who really support the newspaper are the advertisers, and they need to be able to use the newspaper company to help them sell things, to help them grow their business, if we fumble that, we don’t have a newspaper.”

– Gordon Borrell, Borrell Associates

In an environment with ever-increasing advertising options, what do local advertisers want today? As everything becomes more digital, what changes are happening across media, and what are the opportunities for local news publishers to stand out? What do marketers uniquely value about local news media and how can publishers capitalize on that? 

News/Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern dives into these questions and more in this episode of News Take with Gordon Borrell, founder of advertising tracking firm, Borrell Associates. In this candid conversation, Borrell shares his insights on the evolving world of local advertising and what advertisers are looking for specifically from local news publishers, as well as how publishers can be more valuable by serving as advisors to advertisers on how to tell their story.

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Speaker bios

Gordon Borrell founded Borrell Associates in 2001 and has become the local media industry’s leading analyst. He is ranked in the top 2 percent among Gerson Lehrman Group’s 150,000 consultants worldwide and is quoted in Ad Age, MediaPost, Editor & Publisher, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Forbes and other publications. Prior to starting Borrell Associates, Gordon was vice president for new media for Landmark Communications, where he started his career 22 years earlier as a newspaper reporter. He is past chairman of the Local Media Association and of the Local Media Foundation. Gordon has five children and lives with his wife, a writer and book author, in Hampton Roads, Va.

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Episode 39: Why Newspaper Advertisers Keep Buying


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Watch the previous episode: Print, Logistics and Delivery in a Transitional Age

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News Take Episode 108: Print, Logistics and Delivery in a Transitional Age Tue, 09 Aug 2022 13:00:18 +0000 On this episode of News Take, Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with The Washington Post's VP for Distribution & Customer Care, Gregg Fernandes and McClatchy's VP of Supply Chain Operations, Dan Schaub, about the role and value of the print newspaper product, as well as how they are innovating and evolving the product to continue to meet changing needs and demands.

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Guests: Gregg Fernandes, The Washington Post and Dan Schaub, McClatchy

“Is there another product you can purchase that is literally updated throughout the day, 24/7 that you can read in multiple formats? Probably not.”

– Gregg Fernandes, The Washington Post

Regarding print or digital news consumption: “It’s not ‘or,’ it’s ‘and.’ Our mission is to enhance and improve the communities we serve and to bring to life free speech in each and every local community. And whichever platform that happens on, that’s great. Today’s digital reach is a multiple of 10x any reach we ever had when we just relied on a printed material to go to a home. We’re doing substantially better at taking our journalism to our markets because we’re using the “and” theory.

– Dan Schaub, McClatchy

What is the role of the print product in an age when people are increasingly consuming news digitally? What challenges are newspapers currently facing in satisfying the demand for the print product? What are the operational and/or cost pressures newspapers must contend with? How do newspapers find people to do the multiple hands-on pieces of production and delivery? How is consolidation in the print industry impacting business decision-making? What are the challenges for newspaper delivery, and what does it looks like in the not-too-distant future? How can newspapers’ delivery networks and distribution knowledge be valuable on a macro scale?

These questions and many more are the focus of this episode of News Take. News/Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with The Washington Post’s Vice President for Distribution & Customer Care, Gregg Fernandes and McClatchy’s Vice President of Supply Chain Operations, Dan Schaub, about the role and value of the print newspaper product, as well as how they are innovating and evolving the product to continue to meet changing reader needs and demands. Fernandes and Schaub give their honest takes about resetting consumer expectations of the print product in a 24/7 news cycle, as well as how they have gotten creative with ways to produce and deliver the print newspaper more efficiently and cost-effectively. They also talk about how “the original gig economy” – newspaper delivery – is best positioned to capitalize on the growth of the sector as retailers and others get in on the game.

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Speaker bios

Gregg FernandesGregg Fernandes is the Vice President for Distribution & Customer Care for The Washington Post Company. He has more than 30 years of experience in the newspaper industry and has worked in all capacities of Circulation and Marketing. Gregg is responsible for all aspects of The Washington Post’s relationship with its customers, including consumer marketing, delivery operations and customer service.

Dan Schaub currently serves as The McClatchy Company’s Vice President of Supply Chain Operations. This role was designed to provide the necessary leadership and focus as McClatchy works to serve its print readers and grow McClatchy’s digital subscription base while offering an array of distribution services to homes and retail outlets throughout the McClatchy’s markets.


Watch the next episode: The State of Advertising and Local News 

Watch the previous episode: Committing to Product Thinking in the News Industry: Putting Readers First

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News Take Episode 107: Committing to Product Thinking in the News Industry: Putting Readers First Tue, 12 Jul 2022 13:00:05 +0000 On this episode of News Take, News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with Executive Director of the News Product Alliance, Feli Carrique, about news product and the increasingly popular practice of product thinking in journalism and news publishing.

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Guest: Feli Carrique, Executive Director, News Product Alliance

“Anything that you build or create for an audience to solve a user need and support your organizational mission, is a product.”  

– Feli Carrique, News Product Alliance

What is news product and product thinking, and why is it important in journalism? How can newsrooms begin to incorporate product thinking into their content? What are the challenges to adopting a product mindset?

On this episode of News Take, News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with Executive Director of the News Product Alliance, Feli Carrique, about news product and the increasingly popular practice of product thinking in journalism and news publishing. In this informative discussion, Feli explains what news product and product thinking is, as well as how having a product mindset and putting the reader first can help improve content engagement and performance. She also shares some of the biggest challenges to adopting product thinking, as well as some of the things that excite her the most about the use of product thinking and where it has the potential to make the biggest impact.

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Speaker bio

Feli Carrique is the Executive Director of the News Product Alliance, a community for people who strategically align business, audience and technology goals while integrating journalism ethics. Feli is an Argentinian journalist and product thinker working at the intersection of media, technology, and sustainability. In her previous role as Innovation Director at SembraMedia, she worked with news organizations across Latin America, Spain, and the United States to promote innovation and led product design and systems development for the organization. She was also the lead analyst on the recent “Inflection Point International” report published by SembraMedia, which analyzed the innovations, challenges, and threats facing news entrepreneurs across Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.  Feli is also a Professor at the Catholic University of Argentina, where she co-created the first news product class in Latin America.


News Product Alliance Product Kit


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Watch the previous episode: Tapping Into the Potential of Blockchain for News Publishers

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News Take Episode 106: Tapping Into the Potential of Blockchain for News Publishers with Julien Genestoux Tue, 07 Jun 2022 13:00:47 +0000 On this edition of News Take, News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with founder and CEO of Unlock, Julien Genestoux, about the potential opportunities and uses of blockchain technology by news publishers.

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Guest: Julien Genestoux, founder and CEO, Unlock

“I think right now the web is ‘sick’ of its business model, from the fact that we monetize everything for attention. … What blockchain brings us is actually the ability to think about alternative business models, the ability to think about things in other ways, to say OK, who owns what piece of content, how it is owned, who gets access to what, and do that in a transparent protocol way rather than a platform-owned way.”    

– Julien Genestoux, Unlock

What is blockchain and how do NFTs work? How can news publishers use blockchain to grow revenue? What would a membership model based on NFTs look like, and what benefits could it offer over the traditional advertising revenue model? What is Web3 and why do we need it?

On this edition of News Take, News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with founder and CEO of Unlock, Julien Genestoux, about the potential opportunities and uses of blockchain technology by news publishers. In this candid discussion that takes a critical look at the current state of the Web, Julien reviews the basics of blockchain and why it could offer a more secure and more exciting alternative to the attention-based, platform-driven experiences found on today’s Web. He then provides a look at what lies beyond the initial applications, to the potential of blockchain specifically for news publishers, for purposes such as monetizing content and using NFTs in membership models.

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Speaker bio

Julien Genestoux is founder and CEO of Unlock, an access control protocol built on a blockchain that enables creators to monetize their content or software without relying on a middleman. He describes himself as an entrepreneur, unconditional web advocate, and a hacker. He has built two profitable start-ups, one of which was Superfeedr, which became one of the leading real-time web APIs and was later acquired by Medium. At Medium, he led the company’s SEO effort and quadrupled the share of traffic it receives from search. He co-authored the W3C WebSub protocol and spoke at numerous international conferences and events. He talks about NFTs, Web3, crypto and the Open Web.

For more information about Unlock:

Contact Julien: @Julien51 on Twitter and Julien Genestoux on Facebook and LinkedIn

Visit the Unlock website


Watch the next episode: Committing to Product Thinking in the News Industry: Putting Readers First 

Watch the previous episode: Protecting Journalists Reporting on Russia’s War in Ukraine

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News Take Episode 105: Protecting Journalists Reporting on Russia’s War in Ukraine Tue, 10 May 2022 13:00:59 +0000 On this episode of News Take, Carlos Martinez de la Serna, Program Director, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) shares details about the situation on the ground in the Ukraine, including the environment for journalists; the threats to press freedom in the Ukraine and Russia; the role of journalists from other countries reporting on the war; how journalists are navigating and combating misinformation and propaganda about the war; how they are staying safe; and what we can do to help

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Guest: Carlos Martinez de la Serna, Program Director, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)

“For journalists outside of Ukraine, regardless of where they are from, they still play a critical role because the world needs to pay attention to that, and they’re explaining that to their audiences in way that is easier for them to understand the nuances and the problems of the conflict. They’re bearing witness, and we need as many witnesses as possible for something like this. For today, and for the record, for generations to come.”
– Carlos Martinez de la Serna,
Committee to Protect Journalists

Typically, News Take is where we talk about the latest innovation and get into the weeds about trends taking place in the news media industry. But in this episode, we turned to a more serious topic, which is how journalists are covering the war Russia is waging against the Ukraine.

Since Russia’s first attacks on Ukraine in late February, dozens of journalists have been injured or killed while reporting on the war. Journalists are literally risking their lives to bring the latest news and information about the war to people around the world. So while we could talk about the latest news products, the dire situation in the Ukraine is really the biggest thing happening in the world right now, and what we do as news publishers literally impacts what people know and how people perceive the war, so we felt it needed and deserved our attention here.

On this special edition of News Take, News Media Alliance President & CEO David Chavern talks with Carlos Martinez de la Serna, Program Director, Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), who shares details about the situation on the ground in the Ukraine, including the environment for journalists; the threats to press freedom in the Ukraine and Russia (as well as around the world); the role of journalists from other countries reporting on the war; how journalists are navigating and combating misinformation and propaganda about the war; how they are staying safe; and what we can do to help.

This episode was recorded on April 21, 2022.

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Speaker bio

Carlos Martinez de la Serna has been with CPJ since 2018. Prior to CPJ, he worked as a reporter and digital journalist in the U.S., Spain, and Japan, covering issues including current affairs, biomedical research, and North Korea’s nuclear program. He is a founding member of the mapping startup Carto, co-founder of the nonprofit organization porCausa, and a former director of digital innovation at Univision News. Martinez de la Serna is a research fellow at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University and a former John S. Knight fellow at Stanford University.


Watch the next episode: Tapping Into the Potential of Blockchain for News Publishers 

Watch the previous episode: Encouraging and Sustaining Diversity in News Media 

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Statement: News Media Alliance Commends European Union for Reaching Agreement on Digital Services Act Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:42:10 +0000 The News Media Alliance applauds the European Union for reaching an interinstitutional agreement on the long-awaited Digital Services Act (DSA), which includes measures aimed at reducing the dissemination of illegal and harmful content, services and goods online to increasing protections for minors, banning targeted advertising based on sensitive data, and addressing the use of dark patterns to influence consumer choice.

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The News Media Alliance applauds the European Union for reaching an interinstitutional agreement on the long-awaited Digital Services Act (DSA), aimed at making the online ecosystem safer for Europeans. The DSA includes measures aimed at reducing the dissemination of illegal and harmful content, services and goods online to increasing protections for minors, banning targeted advertising based on sensitive data, and addressing the use of dark patterns to influence consumer choice.

Alliance Executive Vice President & General Counsel Danielle Coffey said, “The Alliance applauds the principle of ‘what is illegal offline, should be illegal online.’ The European Union is leading the way in protecting consumers and holding big tech companies to the same standard as everyone else. Taken together, the DSA and the Digital Markets Act go a long way in rebalancing the online ecosystem and leveling the playing field between news publishers and the dominant online platforms. Healthy democracies rely on high-quality news and information, and we hope that special attention is paid to European publishers’ ability to produce and monetize their journalism throughout the implementation and enforcement of both the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act.”

The regulation, first proposed by the European Commission in 2020, must now be finalized and formally approved by the Council and the Parliament. The DSA will become directly applicable across the European Union 15 months following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.


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European Union Reaches an Agreement on the Digital Services Act Tue, 26 Apr 2022 13:00:53 +0000 On April 23, the European Union reached an agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA), setting out content moderation and other obligations for online services in order to provide for a safer online environment.

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On April 23, the European Union reached an agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA), setting out content moderation and other obligations for online services in order to provide for a safer online environment. The European Commission originally proposed the Digital Services Act in 2020, followed by intense negotiations between the Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Parliament. While the final text of the agreement is still unclear, it is reported to include a ban on targeted advertising aimed at minors and based on sensitive information, in addition to limits on the use of so-called dark patterns. Other provisions include measures aimed at reducing the dissemination of illegal content, goods, and services, tackling online harms, and increasing algorithmic transparency. The obligations are proportionate to size, with very large platforms and services subject to stronger requirements. Services with more than 45 million monthly active users in the Union will be classified as “very large online platforms” or “very large online search engines.” Violators can face fines of up to six percent of their global turnover. The agreement must be finalized before being formally approved by the Parliament and the Council, with the obligations becoming applicable 15 months following the Act’s publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Read more about the DSA here.

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