Statement: News Media Alliance Applauds Canadian Government for Standing Up for News Media 

The News Media Alliance commends the Canadian government for introducing the Online News Act (C-18). A free and diverse press is the backbone of a healthy democracy, and the Online News Act would help Canada’s free press prevail by requiring dominant online platforms to provide fair compensation to news publishers for the use of their content. The bill follows international efforts to create a more balanced digital ecosystem that rewards original journalism and protects communities’ access to high-quality local news.

The Online News Act follows the Australian approach and establishes an arbitration mechanism to ensure online platforms engage in good faith negotiations.

“Free and functioning democracy depends on independent and trustworthy news publishers,” said Alliance Executive Vice President and General Counsel Danielle Coffey. “The last few years have demonstrated the international resolve to stand up to big tech, who impose the rules and reap the benefits online, and protect high-quality journalism. We are pleased to see Canada follow the European Union and Australia in establishing clear rules governing the use of news content by the dominant platforms and hope the Parliament will move forward to swiftly pass the Online News Act.”